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When Cheney resisted, the National Archives unit that monitors classification in the executive branch objected, the vice president’s office suggested abolishing the oversight unit and the Information Security Oversight Office, as simple as that.
“I know the vice president wants to operate with unprecedented secrecy,” Mr. Waxman said in an interview. “But this is absurd. This order is designed to keep classified information safe. His argument is really that he’s not part of the executive branch, so he doesn’t have to comply.”
Mr. Cheney and his legal adviser, David S. Addington, did not believe that the executive order applied to the vice president’s office because it had a legislative as well as an executive status in the Constitution.
What do we do when a Vice President is out of control and above the law that the President comes under?
UPDATE: According to RAW; Following Vice President Dick Cheney's assertion that his office is not a part of the executive branch of the US government, Democratic Caucus Chairman Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) plans to introduce an amendment to the the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill to cut funding for Cheney's office.
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